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Chelation therapy is a detoxification method designed to cleanse toxins from the bloodstream.

Toxins in the bloodstream can enter the body through various means and may have adverse health effects. Sources of toxins in the bloodstream

author imageby: anjali-adminอัพเดทเมื่อ: 2023-10-10

Toxins in the bloodstream can enter the body through various means and may have adverse health effects. Sources of toxins in the bloodstream include:

Contact with environmental pollutants: Exposure to environmental pollutants, including heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, industrial chemicals, and air pollutants.

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Consumption of certain foods and beverages: Ingesting toxins through the consumption of alcohol, processed foods with additives, and contaminated food or water containing bacteria or toxins. The causes of bloodstream toxins can stem from various factors. Today, we will introduce a detoxification method called Chelation therapy.

Chelation Therapy for Blood Detoxification

Chelation therapy is a medical treatment designed to eliminate heavy metals and minerals from our bloodstream. It involves the use of chelating agents, substances capable of binding with heavy metals, forming water-soluble compounds that are stable and can be excreted from the body through urine. Chelation therapy is a method for removing toxins related to heavy metals, such as those from lead or mercury, from the body.

Detoxification through the Utilization of Chelating Agents, such as EDTA

1. Detoxification through the Utilization of Chelating Agents, such as EDTA

สารคีเลต เช่น EDTA (กรดเอทิลีนไดเอมีนเตตราอะซิติก) จะเข้าไปจับกับโลหะหนักและแร่ธาตุในกระแสเลือด และก่อตัวเป็นสารเคมีเชิงซ้อน สารเหล่านี้สามารถกำจัดออกจากร่างกายได้ผ่านทางปัสสาวะ การบำบัดด้วยคีเลชั่น ช่วยลดความเข้มข้นของโลหะหนักในเลือด ได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ

2. Elimination of Heavy Metals

Chelation therapy is effective in treating acute poisoning from heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, or arsenic, which can pose a life-threatening risk.

3. Chelation Therapy via Intravenous

In general, chelation therapy involves administering chelating agents intravenously (IV), where the chelating agents gradually diffuse into the bloodstream. The duration of therapy varies for each individual, and it depends on the concentration of heavy metals present in the bloodstream.

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4. Examination and Safety Assessment

During chelation therapy to detoxify the blood, individuals receive close monitoring to observe and manage potential side effects or complications. Chelation therapy may have side effects, such as the possibility of allergic reactions, and therefore, it should be administered under the supervision of a medical professional.

5. Duration of Chelation Therapy

The duration of chelation therapy varies depending on the individual's condition. In cases of acute poisoning, urgent treatment may be required to address the toxicity promptly.

Delving into the intricacies of the Chelation Therapy Process for Detoxifying Blood Vessels.

The doctor administers a therapeutic agent through the bloodstream to chelate and trap heavy metals before releasing them from the body. This therapeutic agent is a synthetic protein known as EDTA. The doctor may mix EDTA with other substances, such as vitamins and other antioxidants. Afterward, the patient undergoes a process of intravenous administration of this detoxifying agent through the bloodstream, similar to receiving a saline solution.

During the chelation therapy session, patients can engage in normal activities, such as watching movies, listening to music, reading books, and other leisurely pursuits. This makes the therapy an easily manageable process for the patients.

EDTA functions by binding to heavy metal particles within the body, and along with vitamins and other components, contributes to internal health restoration. Once EDTA successfully binds to heavy metals, it is excreted from the body through urine.